
Security-EnhancedLinux(SELinux)isaLinuxkernelsecuritymodulethatprovidesamechanismforsupportingaccesscontrolsecuritypolicies.,WearedoingthesamethingwithSELinux.Solet'stakeastepbackandtalkaboutsomeofthefundamentalsofSELinux,frommypointofview.,ThisistheupstreamrepositoryfortheSecurityEnhancedLinux(SELinux)userlandlibrariesandtools.Thesoftwareprovidedbythisprojectcomplements ...,Security-EnhancedL...

Security-Enhanced Linux

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a Linux kernel security module that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies.


We are doing the same thing with SELinux. So let's take a step back and talk about some of the fundamentals of SELinux, from my point of view.

Home · SELinuxProjectselinux Wiki

This is the upstream repository for the Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) userland libraries and tools. The software provided by this project complements ...


Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a mandatory access control (MAC) security mechanism implemented in the kernel. SELinux was first introduced in CentOS 4 and ...


Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a project to implement mandatory access control under Linux. This project was initially developed by the ...


SELinux is a mandatory access control system which enables a more fine-grained mechanism permitting the security administrator to define user privileges. SELinux/Installation · Project:SELinux · SELinux/FAQ · SELinux/Policy


Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a Mandatory Access Control system using type enforcement and role-based access control. It is integrated ...

SELinux Wiki

SELinux is a security enhancement to Linux which allows users and administrators more control over access control. Access can be constrained on ...

